In this section, we present a project of Peace Corps Volunteer Katie McKenna, serving in Chiusuc, Guatemala.
The project was to build latrines for the entire town! In all, 91 latrines were completed!
Katie McKenna is just the type of person I think of as an ordinary hero. Her work as a Peace Corps volunteer, especially her work saving children in the village of Chiusuc from disease and possible death, exemplifies the conscious citizenship our world needs so desperately just now. Because of her work, Katie is my Ordinary Hero of the week.
Thank you for permission to use images from your story about Katie. Thank you especially for the work you are doing as well. It is not often one runs across a non-profit organization run entirely by volunteers so that all proceeds can benefit the people who need them most.

To read updates, progress & conclusion on this project. Click the links below:
Urgent Challenge to Complete Katie’s Latrines
Update on Katie M’s Latrines: She Made the Challenge!