This project has been completed under the technical direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Ashley Kissinger. To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE.
The project started with an objective to build a 1,200 liter rainwater catchment tank, with an accompanying handwashing station, at the elementary school in La Cruz, Cajola, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala.
It became much more, with the help of a number of individuals and agencies.
In June, Ashley reported:
We started construction four weeks ago, but due to Agatha we had suspended construction for two weeks due to the conditions of the road. Currently, we are up and running again. The water tank can hold up to 40,000 L of water and has its own 5M water pozo (well) and rain water catchment system.
She recently informed us that the project had finally been completed. The video below amply shows the process and the final result.
We are happy to have been a part of this effort, which made it possible for Ashley to see the project through to conclusion on the eve of her completion of Peace Corps service.
The project was funded through the generosity of The Soneva SLOW LIFE Trust.