This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Kaitlin Green. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
The project was to provide water for the community through a system comprised of a spring catchment box, an aqueduct system, neighborhood tap stands, and individual home rainwater catchment installations.
Upon the request of the community, the project was modified to expand the rainwater catchment and distribution segment, and leave the improvement of the functioning spring box for a later time.
Kaitlin reports:
The rainwater tank project in Punta Sirain has been completed! We were able to install rainwater catchment systems in 40 homes. Each consisted of a 100-gallon tank and a complete roof collection system. Piping was run to the kitchen of each home, and faucets were installed.
We used an interactive project plan that only rewarded the families with a tank after they contributed 5% of the tank cost and provided materials for the base structure to support the tank.
Additionally, we created a cement base beneath the school’s 500-gallon tank to create a cleaner area for the students to drink from.
Overall, I was incredibly impressed with the enthusiasm, participation, energy, and ownership the community exemplified throughout the project planning, setup, and implementation.
This project has left a lasting and visual connection to teamwork, motivation, and self-sustainability that the inhabitants will not soon forget.
We again wish to thank The Soneva SLOW LIFE Trust for providing the funding for this project.