This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Camille Simpson. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
The project was to install 3 new pit latrines for Groupe Scolaire Ruramba.
Camille reports:
I’m happy to announce that the Groupe Scolaire Ruramba latrine project is now completed and was a success! The headmaster, teachers, and community members were very supportive in getting this project successfully completed. Although we faced challenges and setbacks, the school and community members stayed dedicated and committed to accomplishing this project in a timely fashion.
Groupe Scolaire Ruramba now offers 3 private pit latrines for the use of 23 male and female faculty, visitors and an estimated 6,698 passing local community members of the Ruramba sector.
The labor work was supported by 10 local community members. Sanitation and hygiene practices for local community members were facilitated by 2 teachers of Groupe Scolaire Ruramba during umuganda (community work done by all community members the last Saturday of each month.) A second training for teachers was held at the school, at which there were discussions on hand washing hygiene and how to maintain good latrine sanitation.
The school groundskeeper will be responsible for maintaining the latrines, but it is hoped that users of the latrines will also play a significant role in helping maintain this project as part of a sustainable infrastructure.
With just enough funding remaining, a tippy tap handwashing station was installed to help encourage and promote proper handwashing hygiene after each latrine use. The groundskeeper will be responsible for ensuring that soap and water is available at all times.
The headmaster, teachers, and local community members are happy to have a private location they can share separately from the student body.
I was very pleased with the outcomes of this project and it was a pleasure working with such committed community members.
We again wish to thank The Soneva SLOW LIFE Trust for providing the funding for this project.