This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Vanessa Roy. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
The project was to reconstruct the water system in Zolotonosha School Number Six.
Vanessa reports:
Project funds were used to remove aging iron pipes that were contaminating the drinking water of the youth and staff with iron content. The funds were used to purchase 6 sinks, siphons, faucets, piping, tubing, and mounting materials.
By replacing the iron pipes with more durable and longer-lasting hard plastic, the school was able to drastically reduce the iron sediment found in their drinking water. Prior to the new water system, the iron content of the drinking water was found at 0.2 milligrams per decimeter. A follow-up water test was done after the completion of this project. The iron content of the water was found to be at .09 milligrams per decimeter, a level safe for drinking.
Thank you for all your assistance to our project and to the town of Zolotonosha, Ukraine.
We extend our thanks to Vanessa for completing the project, and to The Soneva SLOW LIFE Trust for providing the funding.