Etchilo, Kédougou, Senegal
Community Description
Kédougou is located in southeastern Senegal. The main sources of income are agriculture, small-scale commerce, construction, and gold mining.
Etchilo is a Catholic Basari community within a majority Pulaar and Muslim area. The people speak an unwritten language and continue strong traditions involving ceremonies with traditional dress and songs, which is drastically different in comparison with the nomadic Pulaar culture. In the area, they tend to be the most impoverished community.
The Etchilo Women’s Group primarily focuses on small enterprise development and product transformation. They are active in drying mangos and making shea butter, although marketing continues to be a problem. They also make jewelry and artwork that is sold at local markets, although this is a smaller proportion of income. They practice local savings where women are able to take microloans for personal projects.
Project Description
This project is to construct 10 latrines in Etchilo.
The project will be implemented under the direction of the Etchilo Women’s Group.
The women’s group president and the village chief have selected ten households that will most benefit from a latrine, due to either high numbers of people living in the compound or distance from a water source that has likely been impacted due to a lack of latrine.
The holes for the latrines will be dug 1 m by 1 m. It has been determined that soil conditions are such that lining will not be required.
Covers will be made of concrete, reinforced with iron bars tied together by wire. The latrines will be ventilated with a PCV pipe.
Each family will be required to provide its own privacy enclosure made from bamboo, which is easily accessible in the area.
In order to complete this project, a meeting will be held during the first week to ensure the families getting latrines will dig their holes. In the upcoming week, the materials will be purchased and transport arranged. The third week, the masons will construct the latrines. The last week, a meeting will be held with the families and local health workers on the importance of sanitary practices in using a latrine.
Water Charity funds will be used for the materials, including cement, rebar, PVC piping, iron wire, and bamboo fencing.
Project Impact
120 people will benefit from the project.
Peace Corps Volunteer Directing Project
Jackie Allen
This project will lead to latrine compliance across half the neighborhoods in Etchilo. It will not only improve sanitation conditions in the village, but it will empower the women’s group and the participants to pursue further development activities.
Dollar Amount of Project
Donations Collected to Date
Dollar Amount Needed
$105.00 – This project has been largely funded through the generosity of the Elmo Foundation, with the expectation of further funding from friends and family of Peace Corps Volunteer Jackie Allen.
We encourage others to continue to donate using the Donate button below, and we will notify Jackie of your donation. Additional funds will be used to fund the next project by Jackie and/or those of other PCVs in the country of service.
This project has been finished. To read about the conclusion of the project, CLICK HERE.