Tumalize Njaa Self-Help Group Irrigation Project – Kenya

Kasyelia Village, Makueni County, Eastern Province, Kenya

Community Description
The Kayselia area is semi-arid and the river is seasonal, which means that it is usually without water. The community is very rural and most people are farmers.

Kasyelia and Kyala villages are on both sides of the Ngwani River, and people from both villages make up the community Tumalize Njaa (Eradicate Hunger) Self-Help Group. The group is comprised of women who grow basic fruits and vegetables for their families and as an income-generating activity.

 Problem Addressed
Most of the group members are elderly, and some have HIV/AIDS. This means that collecting water from the riverbed is very difficult for group members.

Currently, the women collect water from the riverbed by digging into the sand to get water and then making multiple trips up the riverbank while carrying large jugs of water on their backs.

Project Description
This project is to build a water storage and irrigation system for the tree nursery.

The system will consist of a water storage tank on a stand at the nursery and a pump and accompanying piping to bring water from the river. Members of the group will use buckets and watering cans to retrieve water from the tank for the watering of their plots.

The cement stand will be built at the tree nursery, which is on the bank of the river. It will be built about 5 meters in from, and 4 meters above, the river.

The group and other community members from both Kyala and Kasyelia villages will build the stand so that it is ready for the tank to be installed. This should take about a week or less.

The tank will hold 5,000 liters of water and is made of a strong plastic material. It will be purchased in Machakos and then transported by bus to the building site.

Water Charity funds will pay for the cost of the tank and transport.

The group already has a gasoline-powered generator and plastic piping that they use to water some crops, and they will provide the gasoline for the pump and perform any necessary maintenance.

Project Impact
This project will directly benefit the 60 group members. Their family members, numbering an additional 240 people, will indirectly benefit from improved nutrition and increased family earnings.

Peace Corps Volunteer Directing Project
Marielle Griggs

This is an important project that will have a direct impact on the health, well-being, and economic opportunity of the elderly participants and their families.

Marielle previously completed the Kasyelia Handwashing Station Project – Kenya.

Dollar Amount of Project

Donations Collected to Date


Donations of any amount will be appreciated. The full amount will give you “naming rights”, if that is something you would like.

Any contributions in excess of the Dollar Amount of the Project will be allocated to other projects directed by this PCV and/or projects of other PCVs in this country.

Dollar Amount Needed

This project has been finished. To read about the conclusion of the project, CLICK HERE.